Dear Molly, Oh Wow, did we ever have a great time. Sandals far exceeded the expectations of what even the brochures tell about. We had such a great time. Of course, we have the quartet to ride the wave of our own personal party making. We sang for 10 brides during the week. Our faces were everywhere and the staff and the guests requesting that we sing for them or were spotting the bride for us to surprise with “When I Fall In Love.” Molly I know that most couples go to these resorts for the time with just themselves, but I would recommend that everyone go with friends to bounce ideas with and to share the experience. This is just an observation of the differences we saw with couples. Some of course mix well and others were very content to just have the time with each other. We of course had sooo much fun and at times were the only ones participating in aquarobics and talent show and costumes etc. Bragging of course, but we were a hit and I know Sandals would like to see us again. They did not however offer to pay us to do so, but I bet if we wrote today saying we are coming back next month they would offer something. Molly, this really was wonderful and we are all planning and starting a savings account to get back there perhaps for next year.We will plan to stay in touch. Thanks.
by Molly Sumption, Caribbean Honeymoon / Sandals Expert, Seattle & Portland / subscribe to RSS feed